SealBall — Technofink Inc.

Active Leak Sealing in 57 Seconds.

fast installation under pressure

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The SealBall system is designed to adapt to all forms of pipes to be sealed, including areas with welds, corners and T’s. The advantages of SealBall include fast installation under pressure, no additional load at pipes, adjust even in not perfectly rounded pipes, and it is portable.

Advantages of SEALBALL

  • Fast installation under pressure

  • No additional load at pipes

  • Adjusts easily even when pipes are out of round

  • Portable

Application of SEALBALL

  • Effective at elbows, corners and T’s

  • Works on oil, water and gas pipes

  • Maximum temperature: 176℉

  • Maximum pressure: 435psi

  • Available for pipe diameters between 2” and 50”